Choice of hospital practices
(18/07/2024 - 31/12/2024)
Faculties of Medicine and Physiotherapy -
Practices Modality selection
(18/07/2024 - 31/07/2024)
Faculty of Economics
Practices Center selection
(04/09/2024 - 05/09/2024)
Psychology and Speech therapy
Practices Assignment
(01/10/2024 - 02/10/2024)
3rd year, Degree in Preschool Education (València-Ontinyent) and Degree in Primary School Education.
Practices Assignment
(23/09/2024 - 24/09/2024)
4th year, Degree in Preschool Education (València-Ontinyent) and Degree in Primary School Education.
Practices Assignment
(21/10/2024 - 22/10/2024)
1st year, Degree in Preschool Education (València-Ontinyent) and Degree in Primary School Education.
Practices Assignment for Master in Secondary Education Teaching students
(13/11/2024 - 15/11/2024)
End of studies projects
Choice of topics
(12/09/2024 - 16/09/2024)
End studies work - Faculty of Economics
Choice of topics
(14/10/2024 - 15/10/2024)
End studies work - Psychology
Choice of topics
(14/10/2024 - 17/10/2024)
End studies work - Faculty of Law
End of studies projects
Non-official studies and activities enrollment
Enrollment on Physical Education and Sports Service activities
Access to online enrollment on the activities offered by the Physical Education and Sports Service.
Enrollment of University Extension Courses
Access for enrollment of University Extension Courses
Studies and activities offered
Mobility programmes in other universities
Check applications to Exchange Programmes
(30/11/2024 - 12/02/2025) (01/03/2025 - 01/09/2025)
Check the status of your application to the Student Exchange Programmes. -
Mobility Destinations List
Destinations, duration and linguistic requirements of your study universities
Fill up and update the Learning Agreement
With this application you can fill up and update the Learning Agreement.
Personal services
Change password
Access to the Accounts application to change your password.
- I've forgotten my password
Virtual Office
Access to personal services like marks, timetables, academic records or applications for resit examinations, enrollment extension, changing groups, internships, etc.
Update your picture
Update your picture to be used by the University applications.
UV Accounts
Access to personal user services such as email account, blogs, groups, personal website, virtual disk, telephones, etc.
General services
Suggestions box
Send a mail to the University's suggestions box.
Official application of University of Valencia for mobile devices
Useful information and services to members of the university community.
You can access to the electronic mail and the user environment.
Virtual hard drive space which lets you share and access your data from anywhere in the network.
Buddy program. Entreiguals
The Entreiguals program puts incoming students in contact with a peer to help them in their university incorporation. More information .
Booking computer stations
Check and book computer stations in the University's computer rooms.